3 Organizational Practices: Corporate Culture Continuum
Some good news! I've seen a trend in my executive coaching about needing to hire. I’ve also heard concerns about lack of engagement with current staff. On-boarding and employee engagement are a part of the corporate culture continuum. There are three key organizational practices that are integral to a thriving organization: 1. Vision - this is a great use of team time. If your vision hasn't been discussed in a while, take the time to discuss how to make it actionable (corporate goal wise) or rewrite one. Check out quick article: On Vision
2. Accountability & Care - employment engagement surveys show that acknowledgment or recognition for a job well done contributes more to well-being than monetary incentive. When employees do not perform well, a conversation about what needs to shift is typically received well if the conversation comes from care. If an employee meets or exceeds expectations, people want to hear about that too.
3. Culture - defining the attributes of each employee creates a collective culture. This will differ slightly from organization to organization. At DESCO, for example, I look for people who have ambition, who are collaborative and who are not afraid to fail. At Lead Yourself Youth, Inc, I look for people who demonstrate empathy, display emotional intelligence and courageous people who are not afraid to fail. Different organizations have different attributes. It's all in the type of culture you're looking to create. Check out quick article: On Culture
Defining and declaring vision, crafting and revisiting accountability and extension of care, as well as determining how to set culture can all be fun, interactive conversations with team members. Questions to explore:
Is our current vision relevant?
What are key attributes of ideal team members or roles?
What are next actions we can take to let people know vision?
How can we make clear our expectations?
How can we get clear on employee expectation?
What is negotiable, what is non-negotiable with expectations?
What are our observations of the culture we have now?
What are changes we need to make to set everyone up for success?
How can we get star employees engaged in a conversation about culture?
What are next steps we can roll out to ensure we do what we say?
Who will own different parts of the roll-out and implementation?
Contact Andrea for help andrea@andreabordenca.com
Andrea Bordenca is a mother of 3 boys, the CEO of a DESCO Medical Service, the founder of Lead Yourself Youth and a Leadership Coach. All leadership is a form of service, yet many leaders fall into sacrifice. If you don't ask for help, you are suffering needlessly. In order to affect change, support from others is needed.
Don't go it alone.